41 research outputs found

    What movie will I watch today? The role of online review ratings, reviewers’ comments, and user’s gratification style

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    Browsing online ratings and viewers’ comments is an integral part of the experience of choosing and watching a movie. Current theories have broadened the concept of entertainment beyond amusement (hedonic motives) to include experiences of meaning, value, and self-development (eudaimonic motives). With a between-subjects design, we examined the role of the reviewer’s rating (medium rating vs high rating), comments (hedonic vs. eudaimonic), and participant’s gratification style on their interest in watching a movie. Results showed that participants (N = 383) reported a higher preference for the high rating movie. Results also revealed a match between comment type and individual gratification style, with participants with hedonic motives reporting more interest in the movie with hedonic comments, and those reporting eudaimonic motives for the movie with eudaimonic comments.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Searching, navigating, and recommending movies through emotions: A scoping review

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    Movies offer viewers a broad range of emotional experiences, providing entertainment, and meaning. Following the PRISMA-ScR guidelines, we reviewed the literature on digital systems designed to help users search and browse movie libraries and offer recommendations based on emotional content. Our search yielded 83 eligible documents (published between 2000 and 2021). We identified 22 case studies, 34 empirical studies, 26 proof of concept, and one theoretical paper. User transactions (e.g., ratings, tags) were the preferred source of information. The documents examined approached emotions from both categorical (n=35) and dimensional (n=18) perspectives, and nine documents offer a combination of both approaches. Although there are several authors mentioned, the references used are frequently dated, and 12 documents do not mention the author or the model used. We identified 61 words related to emotion or affect. Documents presented on average 1.36 positive terms and 2.64 negative terms. Sentiment analysis () is frequently used for emotion identification, followed by subjective evaluations (n= 15), movie low-level audio and visual features (n = 11), and face recognition technologies (n = 8). We discuss limitations and offer a brief review of current emotion models and research.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Conodontos del Ordovícico Superior (Ashgill) en la Serra do Buçaco, Portugal

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    Se describen los primeros conodontos ordovícicos de Portugal, que fueron obtenidos en el Miembro Poiares de la Formación Ferradosa, aflorante en el sinclinal de Buçaco (Zona Centroibérica portuguesa). La mayor parte de los taxones de conodontos se han identificado en nomenclatura abierta debido a las condiciones de conservación que presentan. De las observaciones tafonómicas del material estudiado, se infieren condiciones de metamorfismo de grado bajo (epizonal) para las rocas de las cuales fueron extraídos. La asociación de conodontos está integrada por taxones representativos de la Biozona de Amorphognathus ordovicicus (Ashgill) en la Provincia Mediterránea del Dominio Nordatlántico

    Right Atrial Thrombus: a Rare Presentation of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor Deficiency

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    A presença de trombos móveis na aurícula direita são fenómenos raros, mas associados a uma elevada mortalidade. Apesar de a ecocardiografia ter permitido avanços no seu diagnóstico, a sua abordagem continua a ser motivo de debate. Neste artigo apresentamos o caso de uma doente do sexo feminino, de 24 anos, com antecedentes de tabagismo, obesidade e sob terapêutica anovulatória que recorre ao serviço de urgência por cansaço fácil e tosse com expetoração hemoptoica. O ecocardiograma transtorácico revelou massa, móvel, multilobulada de grandes dimensões na aurícula direita, condicionando abertura da válvula tricúspide. Perante episódios recorrentes de embolia pulmonar, foi submetida a cirurgia cardíaca com exérese da massa, sendo o resultado anatomopatológico compatível com trombo organizado com calcificação. O estudo genético revelou homozigotia para a variante alélica PAI-1:-675G >A(4G/4G) do inibidor do ativador do plasminogénio e heterozigotia para a variante alélica MTHFR 1298 A/C da 5,10-metilenotetrahidrofolato redutase

    Ordovician and Silurian geological heritage of the Arouca region (Portugal)

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    4 páginas, 3 figuras.-- Trabajo presentado en la 44ª Sesión Científica, Jaén, 2008.The studied region is situated in the Aveiro district, about 50 km SW of Oporto (northern Portugal) and has a rich geological, biological and cultural heritage. The Arouca Geopark was formally established there in late 2007, under the auspices of Arouca’s Municipal Chamber, to reunite 36 geosites from which some of them involve remarkable Ordovician and Silurian rocks and fossils. Outcrops of both periods belong to the Valongo- Tamames syncline of the Central Iberian Zone. Lower Palaeozoic rocks around the Canelas Slate Quarry are of special interest, leading to the creation of a geotouristic route visiting three Ordovician units (Santa Justa quartzites, Valongo shales and Sobrido quartzite plus glaciomarine diamictites) and one Silurian (graptolitic black shales), as well as a Roman gold mine dug in the Lower Ordovician quartzites. However, the most outstanding geosite is the quarry itself, where Middle Ordovician giant trilobites (up to 70 cm in size) and trilobite clusters (up to thousands of specimens) occur in large slabs of slate and are recovered during the exploitation. The Geological Interpretation Centre of Canelas, located near the quarry and open since 2006, is one of the main tourist attractions of the Arouca Geopark, created to preserve and disseminate knowledge about trilobites and the Ordovician world, and having received more than 10,000 visitors in its first 17 months.La empresa Ardósias Valério & Figueiredo Lda., por su apoyo continuado al trabajo paleontológico en la cantera de Canelas. A la Câmara Municipal de Arouca, por su sensibilidad en la gestión del patrimonio geológico y la financiación (a D.R.) para su inventario. Este trabajo es una contribución a los proyectos CGL2006-07628/BTE y PTDC/CTE-GEX/64966/2006, financiados por el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia español y la Fundación de Ciencia y Tecnología de Portugal, respectivamente.Peer reviewe

    Use of antipsychotic drugs. A multicentric study of inpatients with acute psychotic disorders

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    Com o objectivo de caracterizar o padrão e os determinantes de utilização de fármacos antipsicóticos por via intra-muscular em indivíduos hospitalizados por perturbação psicótica aguda, efectuou-se um estudo retrospectivo de 244 indivíduos, admitidos em sete unidades hospitalares de internamento psiquiátrico. Foram seleccionados dois grupos, IM (Intra Muscular) e PO (Via Oral), que nos primeiros três dias de internamento receberam respectivamente medicação antipsicótica por via intramuscular ou por via oral, tendo-se explorado as eventuais diferenças nas áreas demográfica, clínica e terapêutica (com revisão dos casos aos 6 e 12 meses após a alta hospitalar). Os dois grupos foram homogéneos quanto à idade, raça, sexo, idade do início da doença e diagnóstico, tendo-se verificado um número maior de internamentos compulsivos no grupo IM. As perturbações psicóticas mais prevalentes em ambos os grupos foram a esquizofrenia e a perturbação bipolar, não se tendo encontrado qualquer associação entre os diagnósticos iniciais e a via de administração dos fármacos. O tempo de hospitalização foi igual entre grupos, embora nos doentes do grupo IM tivesse sido necessário tomar medidas de precaução especiais com maior frequência. A medicação ansiolítica foi superior no grupo PO nos dias um e dois de hospitalização e igual nos dois grupos no dia três e no dia de alta. A terapêutica anticolinérgica foi semelhante entre os dois grupos. O número de novas hospitalizações, bem como a percentagem de doentes a utilizar medicação antipsicótica, ansiolítica e anticolinérgica, foi semelhante nos dois grupos após 6 e 12 meses de seguimento. Neste estudo, a presença de agitação psicomotora e de comportamentos agressivo/destrutivo na fase inicial do internamento no grupo IM (incluindo o primeiro contacto, maioritariamente feito no serviço de urgência) foram os elementos estatisticamente determinantes da utilização da via intramuscular para a administração dos fármacos antipsicóticos. With the objective of determining the pattern and decision making process in using antipsychotic drugs in patients admitted to hospital for acute psychotic disorder we have made a retrospective analysis in 244 in-patients in 7 hospitals for mental disorders. We have selected two groups, IM and PO, that in the first three days of internment have received either intravenous antipsychotic medication or oral medication; the demographical, clinical and therapeutical differences have been considered (with a review of the cases at 6 and 12 months after discharge from hospital). Homogeneity was considered regarding age, race, gender, age at the onset of the disease and diagnosis; in the IM group there were a larger number of compulsive admissions. The most prevalent psychotic disorders in both groups were schizophrenia and bipolar disorder; with no association being made between the initial diagnosis and drug administration. The hospitalization period was the same for both groups, although in the patients in the IM group the need for special precautions was more frequent. Medication with anxiolytics was higher in the PO group on day 1 and 2 of the hospitalization and the same for the two groups on day 3 and on discharge. The number of new admissions, as well as the percentage of patients taking antipsychotic, anxiolytic and anticholinergic medication was similar in both groups after a period of 6 and 12 months follow-up. In this study, agitation and aggressive/destructive behaviours in the initial phase of hospitalization in the IM group (including the first contact, most of the times on admission at the ER) were statistically significant factors for the use of intramuscular administration of antipsychotic drugs.publishersversionpublishe

    Iberian Ordovician chronostratigraphy

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    La nuevas divisiones de la escala global del Sistema Ordovícico, con excepción de los pisos Tremadociense e Hirnantiense, son difíciles de aplicar en la Península Ibérica, pues sus estratotipos de límite radican en facies y faunas de aguas profundas, desconocidas en las plataformas someras y de paleolatitud elevada del ámbito peri-gondwánico. Antes de ello, la escala regional británico-avalónica fue utilizada en Iberia durante todo el siglo XX, pero presenta serios inconvenientes de correlación vinculados con la propia evolución, conceptual y de criterio, registrada en las áreas tipo británicas durante los últimos 40 años. Sin embargo, la escala regional bohemo-ibérica es la que actualmente aporta una mayor precisión a las correlaciones, pues se basa en elementos bioestratigráficos y biocronológicos de distribución común a todo el margen peri-gondwánico europeo y norteafricano, y la que mantiene vínculos episódicos con otras escalas regionales, que permitirán resolver progresivamente las equivalencias con la escala global.The new divisions from the global scale for the Ordovician System, except for the Tremadocian and Hirnantian stages, are difficult to correlate in the Iberian Ordovician, because their GSSPs involve deep-water facies and faunas not recorded in the shallow, high-paleolatitudinal settings of the peri-Gondwanan area. Previously to the Global scale, the British-Avalonian regional scale had been widely adopted in the Iberian Ordovician during all the 20th Century, but there are serious correlation problems due to the former’s conceptual evolution and variable criteria used for the British type areas during the last 40 years. However, the use of the Bohemo-Iberian scale instead, provides better precision to Iberian correlations, because it is based in some local biostratigraphical and biochronological markers, widely recorded over an extensive area of the European and North African peri-Gondwanan margin. The Bohemo-Iberian scale shows episodic links with other regional scales, which will provide indirect correlations also with the global Ordovician scale.Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO)pu